BecauseFamily began in 2013 as Michael and Melinda Prince resigned after 7 years as youth pastors and began a journey to help parents raise their increasingly connected kids. They have traveled and taught in 28 states and have had a YouTube, podcast, and Blog presence that has reached over 1 Million readers, viewers, and listeners.
The vision of BecauseFamily is to help parents and children by bridging the technology gap between them. It is important to remove the fear and stress that technology can cause parents, while protecting children from the inherent dangers of unguided tech use. BecauseFamily’s teaching encourages and strengthens parents with an understanding that in our age, technology is and always will be, a major part of our everyday lives. Michael’s no shame, only confidence, method of teaching has helped thousands of parents gain the insight they need to guide their kids, rather than shame them, act in fear, or ignore potential dangers altogether.
Michael now works full time, outside of this ministry, but is still blessed to help new families with their technology related parenting questions weekly through facebook, email, and YouTube comments. Please feel free to reach out if you have a question. If you have questions about booking a seminar, workshop, or another teaching event, please email me by clicking the Mail icon below, or typing into your email address bar.
Thank you for looking into our small ministry, and feel free to check out our resources.